Model trains come in multiple sizes, and they are classified according to scale (proportional to real-life) and gauge (distance between the rails). This illustration from shows the differences between the most common sizes of trains.
Our store sells N, HO, S, O, and G (large) scales of trains. Today we will be talking about N scale trains. N scale (1:160) is the second most common size for model trains in the U.S., second to HO. N scale trains are prized for their versatility, as their small size allows model railroaders to build large and detailed layouts in a small space.
Our Instagram follower bradybunch38 sent us this video of his N scale layout: "I’ve been an N scale enthusiast since 2012. It’s an amateur layout"
What scale layout do you have? Share pictures or videos of your layout with us via Facebook messenger or email ( with a brief description, and we might feature it on our blog!
Customers who share pictures of their layouts with us will be entered for a chance to win a special prize.